Custom Scissor Lifts for Automotive Marriage Application

Overview Handling Specialty was approached by a major North American vehicle manufacturer to custom engineer and manufacture a towed lifting platform with two air-over-oil hydraulic scissor lifts. On top of both lifts is tooling with wobble plates, which permits the marriage of rear and front axles onto vehicle bodies. The front and rear axles are […]
Pneumatic Conveyor Transfer Lift for Automotive Trim Area

Overview This 10,000 lb. capacity lift was used in the final trim area of a luxury car assembly plant. The lift’s capacity was necessary due to the fact that the conveyor, which was mounted on it, weighed 5,000 lbs. and the car and skid weighed an additional 5,000 lbs. The high-speed conveyor transferred the car […]
Automotive Stamping Line Lifts
Overview Does your company have requirements for pre-press equipment that can handle large volumes of heavy blanks efficiently, safely, and accurately? Handling Specialty has long been considered the premier supplier of custom-engineered lifting equipment for blank destacking applications to the automotive metal forming industry. Handling Specialty custom engineered and manufactured feed positioning tables for pre-press […]
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Scissor Lift for Wire Rod Transfer
Overview Kobe Steel, in its Ohio mill, took advantage of a uniquely designed steel transfer car manufactured by Handling Specialty. The extreme-duty car was required to accumulate wire rods continuously and then transfer them between process lines. Two traversing Transfer cars, with power-clamp tooling for handling the wire rod, were designed and constructed for a […]
Custom Aerospace MGV
Overview This custom Aerospace Manually Guided Vehicle for Manufacturing can also act as an AGV following a set path at set speeds. Built with an airbag system under the platform, it creates a floating tabletop, which makes positioning products effortless and ergonomic for the operator while ensuring precise positioning for the work. The unit is […]