Ladle Transfer Cars. Yes, we make those.

Ladle transfer cars are used to carry hot metal ladles for transfer within the plant. Handling Specialty manufactures transfer cars for all manner of industries, from automotive to steel and engineer their handling equipment for reliability.  Steel is where their robust designs and custom engineering is especially valued. With weight capacities of up to 300 tons, a ladle transport car is required to carry much heavier loads than most, and Handling Specialty cars are designed to handle the full range of your mill-duty needs.

Handling Specialty can design and build a ladle lift transfer car to fit your ladle’s specific dimensions and the extreme conditions inherent within a steel manufacturing facility. All HSML foundry equipment is designed to perform in extreme conditions while operating consistently to specific requirements.

Ladle transfer cars include remote-controlled, hand-held devices to manoeuver the units, but a wide array of control and communication features allows Handling Specialty to customize the operation of their equipment.

With decades of providing application solutions to the steel industry, Handling Specialty understands the design, safety and function necessary to engineer and manufacture a ladle transfer car that improves the efficiency of your operation and remains operational for years to come. Whatever your requirements, Handling Specialty will see your project through, from technical sales to engineering, manufacturing, installation/training and service.

For more on our ladle transfer cars, please contact Mike Roper, Sales Manager.

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