Expanded Services Section on Handling Specialty’s Website
In order to keep your equipment running and your operation moving parts and services are an integral part of the process. From critical spare parts to the planned maintenance services recommended by your manufacturer, it is important to be able to find what you need when unforeseen damages or problems arise with your machinery.
Handling Specialty understands this need and has recently revised how they present their parts and services online. With a more streamlined navigation process, an expanded menu, and additional online forms, Handling Specialty has simplified the process while offering more content to educate and direct its users.
“Our Professional Services Group, which makes up our parts and services department, includes individuals with expert advice on your Handling Specialty equipment. We also stock parts specific to our customer’s needs, offering training, installation, maintenance and more,” explains Tom Beach, President of Handling Specialty.
“We realized the need to further expand the breadth of knowledge of what our company, and specifically, our services department, covers,” says Marek Cybula, Handling Specialty’s Professional Services Specialist, “for our customer’s looking online, as well as potential customer online discovery.”
Featuring a more detailed list of services, the website can better serve those looking for keywords associated with the company’s activities. Options like installation assistance, operator and maintenance training, repairs, parts ordering, inspections and planned maintenance are all available with calls to action on each page, allowing the user to find the information they need and contact Handling Specialty for any further information or to book a service.
Discover the difference yourself. Visit the Handling Specialty’s Parts & Services page today.