Engine Rollover Material Handling Solution

tail stock detail

Overview Engineered and manufactured to rotate heavy-duty gas engines built for the energy industry, this engine rollover system allows technicians 360 degree access to the  engine as they assemble, inspect and maintain the equipment. Positioning the engine like this creates a safe and efficient process during assembly operations which will include 5 revolutions per hour, […]

40 Ton Railcar Transfer Table

Rail Transfer table unloaded

Overview Designed for outdoor use, this railcar transfer table will be used for shifting Locomotives and other rail vehicles between nine parallel tracks from incoming tracks. The rolling stock transfer table includes controls stations at either end of the table, a motor starter panel mounted at one end, walkway on one side of  the track, […]

Marine Traversing Gantry Lift Equipment

Traversing Gantry Lift

Overview This custom, marine traversing gantry lift with cross-shuttle forks, was engineered to take specialized containers out of a racking set-up for harvesting shrimp. It is  capable of shuttling on both sides of the unit intermittently based on five cycles per day. The gantry traverses along rail tracks within the plant on two flanged and […]

AGV System for Automotive Assembly

AGV with Scissor lift up

Overview This  AGV system for the automotive assembly industry includes fifteen (15) automatic-guided vehicles, with wireless charging stations. The equipment will be used to move automotive frames through the assembly process and deliver them to the final assembly area (7 hours per shift, 3 shifts per day, 5 days per week)  as part of the […]

Locomotive Nosecone Windshield Access Cart

Locomotive Windshield Work Platform

Overview These custom-engineered self-propelled nosecone maintenance work platforms have a raised height of 147″ and include a checker plate platform. Road Mode controls are mounted at floor working height on the cart, while the rail motion controls, including up and down, are mounted on the top operator platform controls. Road Mode controls include key lock, […]

Custom Advanced Manufacturing Lift Table

Custom Assembly Lift

Overview This electro-mechanical, custom lift table, will be used in low-duty, intermittent cycles, to load a robotic manipulator into a trolley and rail system. The portable unit will include an external, control panel as well as a tethered hand-held pendant. The table top will also include X/Y positioning via manual actuation for precise positioning of […]