City of Dreams Underwater Stage Lifts

Parts & Services
Parts & Services
Parts & Services

City of Dreams Underwater Stage Lifts

Solution: 158
Industry Entertainment Stage Lift Equipment
Model: City of Dreams Underwater Stage Lifts
Type: Underwater Lift
Actuation: Hydraulic
Travel: 324"
Capacity: 322,000 Lbs.


Handling Specialty designed, manufactured and installed an underwater stage lift system for City of Dreams and Franco Dragone Entertainment Group’s The House of Dancing Water in Macau (China). The 2,000 seat venue features a 270 degree theater-in-the-round housing the world’s largest commercial pool which is 160 feet in diameter, 26 feet deep and holds 3.7 million gallons of water.


  • Eight platform stage lifts, vertical travel 27’ (26’ underwater, 1’ foot above water to create a solid dry floor). Total platform area 6,441 sq ft. Dynamic capacity 322,000 lbs, static capacity 805,000 lbs
  • Three vomitory lifts that travel 3.3’ below water and rise 3.3’ above water (to accommodate props and performers). Total area 1,056 sq. ft. Dynamic capacity 52,800 lbs, static capacity 132,000 lbs
  • Six hydraulic power units are used to actuate the lifts
  • The lifts move at a maximum speed of 20 feet per minute
  • An electronic controls system enables the lifts to move independently or in synchronization


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