Environmental Values

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Environmental Values

At Handling Specialty, we recognize that every action taken in the workplace can have an environmental impact. We will strive to create an eco-friendly workplace that will benefit our employees and the world around us. 

Environmental Values
Parts & Services
Manufacturing Facilities


Handling Specialty maintains an environmental policy to promote and maintain environmentally responsible practices for the benefit of our employees, customers and the communities in which we operate. We will conduct and grow our business in a manner that respects the environment and strives to protect and conserve our world’s natural resources.


Handling Specialty is working towards continued improvement through the development of programs designed to address the environmental cost and impact of our activities, products and services. We will:

  • Comply with applicable regulations and standards in the industry.
  • Support pollution prevention in the workplace.
  • Use materials and energy efficiently to conserve natural resources.
  • Minimize the emissions that contribute to climate change.
  • Cooperate and develop relationships with our community, suppliers, contractors, government agencies, and other organizations engaged in improving the environment.
  • Establish procedures to ensure that all employees are knowledgeable of, understand and comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

Greener Workplace

At Handling Specialty, we recognize that every action taken in the workplace can have an environmental impact. We will strive to create an eco-friendly workplace that will benefit our employees and the world around us. By implementing the following measures, we can increase efficiency, save electricity, reduce waste, and fulfill our environmental responsibilities.

Handling Specialty in their commitment to the environment and the community as a whole will enforce eco-friendly workplace procedures requiring employees’ complete support.

  • Whenever possible, all documents shall be printed on both sides using scrap paper. This will reduce our paper usage, conserve energy, and save waste.
  • Hold paperless meetings using technologies such as ‘go to meeting’ and material display and review via projector instead of handouts.
  • Partner with suppliers and companies that are environmentally friendly.
  • Recycle our printer cartridges.
  • Diligently recycle all paper, cardboard, glass, tins, PCs, and recyclable plastics.
  • Ensure that computers are turned off at the end of the day, and if not possible, turn off monitors as they consume the most energy.
  • Purchase energy-efficient equipment.
  • Turn off all lights when not in use.
  • Use ceramic mugs, dishes, glasses, and metal flatware instead of their disposable counterparts.
  • Make sure that the dishwasher is full before using it.
  • Purchase environmentally friendly office supplies.
  • Minimize the use of hazardous chemicals and switch to greener alternatives whenever possible.

Handling Specialty Manufacturing Ltd.

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