Niagara Economic Development Canada

A new campaign to encourage more interest in the Niagara region launched the latest video from Niagara Economic Development highlighting business in Niagara.

Within the video, Handling Specialty can be found 1.07 minutes into the exciting, fast-paced visual of multiple businesses and industries working out of the Niagara region.

With so many avenues to ship and receive products from the United States and around the world, Niagara is one of Canada’s largest importers/exporters, doing more than 100 billion in trade between Canada and the US alone. There are over 130 million people within a day’s drive of the Niagara region, with an incredible infrastructure for trade, including the Welland Canal, four international border crossings, four major highways, 2 class 1 railroads, two great lakes with multiple ports of entry, and every kind of industry you can imagine.

Niagara Canada. Grow your business! We have. Watch the video.

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