Production Duty Hydraulic Scissor Lift

Industry:Advanced Manufacturing - Handling Specialty
Model:4,000 lb Capacity Lift for the Paper Industry
Dimensions:94" × 84"
Capacity:4,000 lbs


An OEM of specialized paper converting equipment to the paper processing industry required a lift within their continuous duty palletizer to support their tooling, which acts as a buffer allowing product to accumulate while the palletizer processes a batch load.

Handling Specialty engineered a purpose-built hydraulic scissor lift with a continuous running HPU, double-acting NFPA cylinders and an adjustable stroke limiting device. The lift is fully raised as the client’s tooling extends, allowing the product to accumulate, and building up a batch load. The lift indexes down until such time as the main palletizing unit has discharged its load and raises to ‘marry’ with the new batch load, allowing the tooling to be retracted and accumulation to continue. The lift then returns to its raised position until the next cycle.


  • The lift can support an offset load of 1,800 lbs., 95” from the centre of the lift.
  • Continuous running, 24 cycles per hour, 24/7.
  • Acts as a buffer to accumulate product while the palletizer processes the previous batch.
  • Hydraulic scissor lift with a continuous running HPU, double-acting NFPA cylinders and an adjustable stroke limiting device.

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